Monday, May 8, 2023

Web3 Marketing Trailblazers | Ad Age

Digital trophies and video created by Minero.
Published May 8, 2023

Introducing Ad Age’s Marketing Trailblazers 2023

At a time when less adventurous brands could easily retreat from Web3—and some have—Ad Age honors 20 marketers who are still rocketing ahead, embracing each day with the optimistic, popular Web3 greeting, “gm.” And to that, Ad Age says “gm” back with its inaugural Ad Age Web3 Marketing Trailblazers, representing the innovative thinkers who are blazing a path in emerging tech with creativity and flare.
There is a plethora of talent, from a wide and diverse range of companies, to recognize. When Ad Age looked at what these classic brands and fresh Web3 communities were doing, a picture started to emerge of a movement that is ripping brands away from the gatekeepers and handing them to creators and fans. That’s the spirit of Web3 and that spirit persists despite any day-to-day fluctuations in crypto markets or NFT bubbles bursting.
Let’s just say that if anyone is going to make Web3 work, this lineup of marketers and tech leaders will.


from Digital Marketing Education

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