Monday, May 8, 2023

Agency job burnout—how to reshape the workplace for healthier employees

Aside from establishing a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to unkind or disrespectful communications, you can create internal opportunities for employees to share honest feedback without fear of retaliation. Every month, conduct discussion groups with a random selection of employees to learn about their various pain points and find ways to solve for them.

Also, conduct an annual engagement survey to determine the overall health of your people. Pulse surveys are an excellent way to help define your agency’s standing in terms of wellness, but it doesn’t stop there. Acting on feedback—and showing your team that you’re making an intentional effort on their behalf—is what solidifies trust.

You have to uphold the same standard for respect in client relationships, too. Provide managers with the training they need to understand when and how to coach employees on client communications, when to step in and when to elevate a situation to leadership. Agencies that prioritize kind and candid communications, both internally and externally, will lay the foundation for mental health and help creativity thrive.

Strive for compassionate connections

It’s no secret that remote and hybrid employees have a harder time connecting beyond a project. It’s also no secret that connected employees feel happier. Leadership must work to set the tone for an inclusive atmosphere that’s not just all about the work—and ensure employees have tangible ways to get plugged in.

Develop business or employee resource groups to give people a chance to bond beyond their day-to-day teams and create opportunities for inclusion around a shared interest or identity. Pair new hires with someone other than their manager through an onboarding buddy system to help give team members various connection points and rev up their internal networks.

Finally, show a genuine interest in your employees as people. It sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised by how many managers underestimate the power of simply chatting about real life or picking up the phone to see how their employees are doing.


from Digital Marketing Education

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