Sunday, May 7, 2023

Gay bars boycott Bud Light after Anheuser-Busch InBev’s “anti-transgender actions and statements” Adland®

Meanwhile in Florida, the Grills Seafood Deck and Tiki Bar posted an open letter to Anheuser-Busch on their Facebook page, saying that they too will clear away all of the Bud Light branding and beer from their restaurant, and “Grills Restaurants and Sunrise Marina will not co-sponsor or seek endorsement from Anheuser-Busch for any local events, such as fishing and golf tournaments that we have jointly promoted for nearly three decades.”

“I am disgusted by what you have done and what you are doing. You are the one causing this division and anger in our society. You are responsible for making some of the gay community think Grills does not welcome them. And you knew EXACTLY what you were doing when you launched this campaign. How could you not? “Good ole boy beer…meets Dylan Mulvaney? Hmm. Let’s see what that does to the country.” NOBODY is that stupid. This goes way beyond transgenderism. This wasn’t a marketing mistake. Your corporation knew the fire storm they would ignite in this country but chose to do it anyway. I pray all our eyes are opened as to why.”

The response to this post is divided, as some expressed their unwavering support and vowed to remain loyal customers, while others commented that they eagerly anticipated the closure of the restaurant. The Dylan Mulvany Bud Light saga has proven to be a polarizing issue, with opinions sharply split.


The Ad contrarian, Bob Hoffman, has a few wise words on the Bud Light debacle in his newsletter today.

   1. Politics is nasty business. The minute you take a position on anything controversial you alienate half the population. Don’t believe me? I’ll send you some of the emails I get.
   2. Your job as a marketer is to sell stuff. Nobody needs your opinion. Nobody gives a flying shit about your philosophy. Write that in big letters above your desk.
   3. “Brand purpose” is the first hiding place of bad marketers.
   4. Marketing is about probabilities and likelihoods. The likelihood of one can of beer causing extreme damage to a category-leading brand was tiny. But…ya never know.
   5. Social media is millions of unpleasant people looking to make trouble. You’ve been warned.


from Digital Marketing Education

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