Tuesday, April 11, 2023

BBH spreads its Tesco wings with another shopping trolley

in Advertisers, Agencies, Creative, News

6 hours ago

BBH is spreading its wings on its flagship Tesco account, this time with an ad featuring a large dose of jeopardy and a shopping trolley – an unusual combination. Didn’t it feature another trolley for Tesco Mobile?

Alex Grieve from AMV BBDO (who began his career at BBH) is the newish CCO there. While AMV has had its ups and downs in recent years its awards cabinet is overflowing and Grieve may have the clout to escape the long shadow of BBH creative founder Sir John Hegarty.

AMV too struggled somewhat after founder David Abbott left: it wasn’t that all the talent departed the building but such creative directors make even the most ornery client think twice about turning down a brave idea.

Be interesting to see where BBH goes next.

(Not down a hole we hope.)

MAA creative scale: 7.

BHH featured


from Digital Marketing Education https://ift.tt/kPnRjta

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